At Braishfield, the intent of our English curriculum is to ensure that all children grow in confidence and fulfil their potential in speaking and listening, reading and writing; achieving all that they can in a stimulating, supportive and aspirational environment.
Our inclusive approach to education ensures that we have the highest expectations for all learners, and that the correct level of challenge and support is in place to enable our children to feel successful and proud.
Reading is at the heart of what we do. We want to enable our children to thrive, and develop this hugely important life skill in a supportive, fun and challenging way. Our aim is to develop of love of reading that transcends the entire school, and opens up opportunities for children to be successful across the entire curriculum.
The implementation of our English curriculum begins with firm foundations for reading which are set in our approach to phonics and linked reading practice in EYFS and KS1. These are built upon with an immersive and captivating text-driven curriculum. High quality teaching and learning experiences in English support children to be able to lead happy and rewarding lives, both now and in the future.
Our children are immersed in high-quality texts that build on their interests, inspire their curiosity and enable them to aspire for success. Teachers select texts carefully in order to ensure a diversity of genre, form, author and heritage. Learning journeys offer opportunities for children to develop skills as speakers, readers and writers and culminate in outcomes that cover a range of purposes, audiences and forms.
Our considered school curriculum allows opportunities for inquisitiveness, enables our children to work collaboratively and independently, and supports them in becoming resilient learners. Linked subjects such as Geography, History and Science form some of the key drivers for our creative curriculum topics. Teachers link their English text-driver to the wider learning journey so that all writing has a context and purpose. Links should never be forced, but can be embraced where appropriate, and offer an opportunity to fully immerse children in learning across the curriculum.
In addition to the varied reading opportunities in our text-linked English and wider curriculum, children who have mastered phonics receive further discrete reading teaching through daily 'Guided Reading' sessions that develop their skills and further promote deep understanding and enjoyment of a range of texts.
The impact of our English curriculum is first and foremost that children leave our school with a love for reading. Our aim is to ensure that all children grow to fulfil their potential in oracy, reading and writing; achieving all that they can in a stimulating, supportive and aspirational environment.
Our passionate, text-led approach is used to inspire learning, drive standards and ensure the best possible outcomes for our children. We want all children to make academic progress in English that will support them in all future learning, and enable them to thrive.
Please have a look at the documents below for more information. Overviews of text drivers for KS1 and KS2 will help you see the breadth of texts that drive our learning.
If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask your child's class teacher - we would be delighted to help.