At Braishfield Primary School we strongly believe that our children should be actively involved in leading positive change in our school. Whilst there are always opportunities in class for discussion and debate, we recognise that a range of Pupil Voice groups sets up the perfect means for classes to feedback those ideas to the Headteacher and effect change. Pupil Voice groups also underline our vision- to set children up to be well-rounded citizens of the world.
The representatives for each group work with a key member of staff to work on specific projects and to canvas pupil opinion across the school on key issues. Representatives are selected by either peer vote, teacher selection or by ‘names out of a hat’. Usually there are representatives in each group from Years R to Year 6.
House Captains / Deputy House Captains
School Council
Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs)
Sports Ambassadors
Digital Leaders
Junior Librarians
Helping Hands
Eco Team
Guinea Pig Crew