We have open mornings for prospective parents/carers of children due to start school in September 2025: Thursday 10th October, 9.30am; Friday 18th October, 9.30am; Tuesday 5th November, 9.30am & Monday 11th November, 1.30pm. Call the school office to book a place!
Home Page

Braishfield Primary School

Welcome toBraishfield Primary School

Useful Information

School Times 


Prompt and regular attendance really matters and can have a significant impact on academic outcomes for pupils. As a result, the school is required to carefully monitor pupils' rates of attendance as well as punctuality. A late arrival at school must be marked as such and this will impact individual pupil as well as school attendance records.


The school gate opens at 8:40am and school finishes at 3:30pm.


Information about school holidays can be found at


School Lunches


Healthy school lunches are prepared and cooked daily in the school kitchen by our school cook, Mrs Pipitone, with many ingredients sourced locally. School dinners cost £3.20 per day and money should be paid via the school office in advance, ideally using our online payment system. Unfortunately the school cannot operate this system on a credit basis.


School Uniform

We want our children to look smart in their uniform and to take real pride in their school, including during P.E. lessons. The school uniform can      be ordered from any shop which stocks unbranded school uniform. For parents wishing to have uniform with the school logo, please obtain this online from Alternatively, uniform can be purchased from their shop at Unit 44, Romsey Industrial Estate, Greatbridge Road, Romsey, SO51 0HR.

Uniform expectations:
-Grey skirt / pinafore dress
-Grey trousers / shorts
-White polo shirt 
-Navy cardigan or sweatshirt
-Blue and white summer dress
-Grey / navy tights
-Black school shoes (not trainers or fashion shoes)

-Navy shorts
-Plain white T-shirt or a school logoed T-shirt in the house colour (Hawkes: red; Farley: yellow; Pucknall: blue and Fairbourne: green)
-Navy tracksuit bottoms 
-Plain (or logoed) navy hoodie
-Trainers (not plimsolls)


Book bags, P.E bags,  school coats and fleeces are also available to purchase. All items of clothing, lunch boxes and bags must be clearly named.


The School has several second-hand sales of uniform throughout the year.




Pupils will be informed of the days their class has PE and this information will be shared with parents/carers through the class half termly curriculum overview. Children should come in to school in their PE kit on PE days.


Early Buds Club


The school runs a breakfast club, open to all pupils. This begins at 8:00 am and is currently run by school staff . The cost of Early Buds club is £4.50 per session and sessions must be booked at least a week in advance via the school office. If a place needs to be cancelled, you will need to give a week's notice, otherwise you will still be charged.


After School Club


The school runs an after school club, open to all pupils. This runs until 6.00pm and is run by school staff. The cost of the club is £7.50 (until 5pm) and £10 (until 6pm) per session and sessions must be booked at least a week in advance via the school office. If a place needs to be cancelled, you will need to give a week's notice, otherwise you will still be charged.




The school sends out weekly newsletters (the 'Braishfield Bugle') which are emailed to parents/carers. Other letters and information will be sent home with pupils or emailed. For your convenience, these are also shared via the school website.


Braishfield School Association 


The Braishfield School Association (or BSA) are a parent group who organise many successful fundraising events to support the school. Every parent of a Braishfield pupil automatically becomes a member. They meet regularly and all volunteers with a little time to spare are welcomed. Please see the dedicated BSA page on this website for additional information.


Please help the school by supporting the BSA and their events. Their efforts help us to fund many additional resources for the children (e.g. books, play resources and computing equipment) as well as extra curricular activities such as drama/art workshops and educational visits to support and enrich the children's curriculum.



Emergency Contact Details


For any school related issues, the primary contact point is the school office (01794 368359) If there are any problems with the opening of the school, for instance 'snow days', the school will contact you via your details on record or warn in advance before confirming through the homepage of this website. Please therefore ensure your contact details held by the school are kept up to date. The school has the ability to send out text messages to parents or groups of parents, so again please ensure us if you have a change of mobile number.

Please find below important documents and information about our school.
Should you require a paper copy of the information on our website, please call into the school office where we will take details of your request and provide copies as soon as possible